Uses and Gratification

Contrary to other media theories which focuses on how media affects people, the Uses and Gratification theory is an approach which seeks to understand why people pursue the media they do and what they use it for.
Blumler and Katz suggested that people actively seek out media which suits and fulfills their needs and gratifications. To put simply, audiences will choose to watch TV programmes/films that will make them feel good.
The theory implies that the media will compete against each other for the viewers gratification to get more views and a larger audience. The media will tailor their work so that it has content which the audience will look for.

So why do people watch horror movies? What makes people actively seek them out?

The audience feel the need to know what is happening around them and knowing that they are not the ones in danger, unlike the characters in a horror film, makes them feel safer and secure. 
Many people watch horror movies with friends 'for fun' because they know they are safe at home and with other people around them. It allows them to relax and enjoy the film fully.

Personal Identity
When people are watching films, they tend to compare personal characteristics to the characters on screen. Audiences feel closer to characters they feel are in a similar situation as them and may adopt similar characteristics as that character if they feel it will make them a better person. For example, if a character showed confidence or bravery in a tense situation, they may try and replicate this in their own life.

Personal Relationship
Film allows people to bond together and is considered a social activity. Audiences can bond through discussions of what they have experienced together- for example, sharing how they felt when a character died, or their thoughts of the movie overall, whether they found it enjoyable or a waste of time.

This is probably the most common reason why people watch films. Life can be hectic as well as boring, so may people watch films to 'escape' from their normal lives and and immerse themselves in a place away from their normal life by putting themselves in the character's positions.


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